A New Chapter in the Life of
Corpus Christi Monastery

On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 19, 2022,
Sr. Mary Catharine of Jesus Perry, OP
assumed the office of prioress of our monastery.

Meet our new prioress!

Welcome! My name is Sr. Mary Catharine of Jesus Perry and I’m the new prioress of Corpus Christi Monastery!

Although Dominican monasteries are autonomous, or independent, we share a common bond through our religious profession and way of life as given to us by the Rule of St. Augustine and our constitutions. Usually, a nun from the monastery is elected as prioress. However, sometimes a nun from another Dominican monastery is asked to assume this role of service. The sisters of Corpus Christi Monastery took this big leap of faith in electing me to serve them as prioress. I was afraid, conscious of my own limitations. If Mary could say YES! to the angel in consenting to be the Mother of God, I knew I had to give my own FIAT trusting that God would supply what I needed. After all, did we not each become a Spouse of Christ when we made our religious profession?

My term as prioress began on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi when Cardinal Dolan called me and asked me if I would accept the office of prioress. The National Eucharistic Revival also began on this same beautiful feast.

A little bit about myself. I grew up in Bolton, a rural town in central Massachusetts. My family was closely associated with the several religious communities that were just a few miles down the road. I was blessed to have been raised in a deeply Catholic family, supported by the example and loving friendship of the monks and nuns of these communities. It seemed I should have become a Benedictine but instead the Lord called me to be a Dominican, a Nun of the Order of Preachers.

I have been a nun of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, New Jersey for 31 years. Over the years I have served the community in many capacities. Religious life tends to bring out all your talents and foster more than a few you didn’t know you had.
I have been infirmarian, novice mistress, chantress, promoter of study, gift shop manager, and vestiarian. Of course, I took my turn in the kitchen like everyone else and I enjoy cooking. I also was part of the group of sisters who developed our Seignadou Soaps and Cloister Candles and DNS Publications.

For 14 years I have served the North American Association of Dominican Monasteries as councilor, a member of the formation committee and novice mistresses’ meeting coordinator. Currently, I’m finishing my term as vice president of the Association.

What do I do for fun? I enjoy baking bread, tending the tiny vineyard and several years ago I learned how to make cheese! Before coming to Corpus Christi Monastery I was the sister who sewed habits (I love to sew!) and I was learning how to use our new 12-needle embroidery machine. Like any Dominican I love to read!

I am excited to be a part of this new chapter in the life of Corpus Christi Monastery. As we begin the National Eucharist Revival my hope is that the community of Corpus Christi Monastery will play a significant role in bringing people to know and adore Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, the Source and Summit of our Christian Life.

Daily Adoration of Jesus united with intercession especially for the priests and seminarians of the Archdiocese of New York, a Life of Divine Praise, and Seeking God and pondering his Word characterize the life and spirit of the nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery. It is in these three aspects of our beautiful vocation that we will participate in the Eucharistic Revival of our country. My hope and vision for the future of Corpus Christi Monastery is that we will more authentically, and more zealously embrace with a deeper, radical love this way of life given us by God to become saints and to bring others to Christ.

Photo: Chris Sheridan

Sister Mary Catharine of Jesus, OP